What Agents Look for in Headshots
April 7, 2021
Headshot is an actor’s most important marketing tool. It’s the FIRST thing agents and casting directors will look at. Since there’s very little you can do about the way you look, the goal is to have the most professional headshots possible. You want the photo to have great energy and something that makes them want to know you, and to know more about you. When I’m shooting, I focus on these things:
- Engaging Eyes. The best way to connect with a person in a two dimensional object is through the eyes. Are they prominent in the photo? Do they match the expression? Is there something being communicated? Are the eyes engaged, or just sort of staring into the camera?
- Diffused Background. No better way to draw from the performer than to have a distracting background in focus. Diffused backgrounds (or bokehs) complement a “look” and put the focus on you… not on the tree, brick wall or fence behind you.
- Natural Makeup. It’s helpful to see the contours and unique qualities of a performers face. Bright lipstick can often look over the top. Unless you’re going for a stylized or very specific look, I find light, natural makeup to be more effective in presenting the REAL you. This goes for women and men.
- Confidence. The bottom line is that if you feel good in your own skin, the rest will be there. Just do it!
There are other aesthetic considerations, but that’s my job. I’m a student of the human face and find ways to control the light and camera angle in a way that flatters you the most. All you have to do is feel good… I’ll take care of the rest.